5 Prayer Points For The Month

At the beginning of every month, it’s important to begin with God in order to get things right. Life is full of unknowns, but when you devote your life to God, you can rest assured that no matter what happens, everything will be fine.

In our busy lives, we often forget to pause and connect with our Creator. We get caught up in our daily responsibilities and deadlines, rushing from one task to another without taking a moment to seek guidance and strength from above. However, starting each month with God can help us prioritize our spiritual well-being and set the tone for the upcoming days.

When you commit the month to God, you can be fearless, knowing that he who goes before you and after you will keep you safe and deliver you from every evil. The uncertainties and challenges that lie ahead may seem daunting, but leaning on God’s strength and wisdom can give us the confidence to navigate through them with grace.

So, how do we begin the month with God? It all starts with prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that opens up a direct line of communication between us and the Almighty. It allows us to share our concerns, fears, dreams, and gratitude with God, seeking his guidance and intervention in our lives.

Here are some important prayer points for when you are praying for the month:

5 prayer points for the month

For your relationship with God

In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, it is comforting to know that we have a divine relationship waiting for us. Our relationship with God is not merely an abstract concept or a distant connection; it is a vital part of our lives that can guide us, empower us, and bring us closer to true success.

When we consciously and sincerely seek a closer relationship with God, we invite His presence into our lives. The Bible teaches us in John chapter 15 that Jesus is the true vine, and we are the branches. Just as branches derive sustenance, nourishment, and strength from the vine, so too can we find fulfillment, direction, and peace in our relationship with God.

As we draw closer to Him through prayer, worship, and devotional activities, God reciprocates by drawing closer to us. When He is at the center of our lives, we allow Him to mold and shape us, guiding our decisions and providing divine wisdom to navigate life’s challenges. This intimate connection manifests through a sense of peace, assurance, and a deep understanding of our purpose.

Prayer for your relationship with God

Everlasting Father, Thank you for the blessings and mercies you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for your protection and guidance. As we begin a new month, I pray that you, Lord, will assist me in focusing my thoughts on you and remaining in you. Guide me in letting go of any distractions that may be interfering with my connection with you. Teach me to love you and guide me in focusing my attention on you.

Cleanse me of my sins and assist me in letting go of anything that does not reflect well on your Holy Name. Help me in living a Christ-centered life. Allow your Holy Spirit to lead me in whatever I do. Let it serve as a constant reminder to always put you first no matter what. Help me to study your word more thoroughly and to gain the wisdom and understanding necessary to apply it in my life.

When things don’t go as planned, please remind me that your plan for me is better than what I believe I desire. As each day passes, please strengthen my faith in you, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

prayer for your relationship with God

Pray for protection

Life, though a beautiful journey, is undeniably filled with unpredictable twists and turns. No matter how much we plan and prepare, there are moments that leave us feeling vulnerable and uncertain.

Accidents, sickness, and even the inevitability of death are realities we must face. In the face of such uncertainties, finding solace and seeking protection becomes crucial in helping us navigate through life’s trials.

Praying for our own protection and that of our loved ones is an essential part of nurturing our spiritual well-being. During times of distress or uncertainty, turning to prayer can calm our troubled hearts and provide a sense of peace. By connecting with a higher power, we can tap into a source of strength that goes beyond our human limitations. It is an act that offers solace and fosters a sense of personal security.

Prayer for protection for the month

Almighty God, I offer you all the honor and adoration for all the amazing things you continue to do in my life. I thank you for being my guide and protector. I pray that as we begin this new month, you would continue to protect me. Keep my steps in order and on the right track. Please protect me from all forms of evil.

I surrender myself to you. Be my protection, Lord, and keep me safe under your wings. Always go ahead of me and behind me. Defend and safeguard me at all times, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

prayer for protection for the month

Pray for God’s grace

Grace can be defined as the unmerited favor of God, freely given to us despite our shortcomings and mistakes. It is a divine enablement that allows us to experience the fullness of God’s love, mercy, and blessings. Although we cannot earn grace, through faith, we can unlock its transformative power in our lives.

When we have the grace of God upon us, we find ourselves walking in alignment with His plans and purposes. Doors of opportunities begin to open, and we discover paths that were previously unknown to us. Suddenly, what may have seemed impossible becomes achievable through the favor that accompanies God’s grace. It is not mere luck but a divine intervention that causes everything to align perfectly in our lives.

Ephesians 2:8 states, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith.” This verse encapsulates the essence of God’s grace. Our salvation, the ultimate act of God’s grace, is a testament to the generosity and boundless love of our Creator. However, grace does not end with our salvation; it extends to every facet of our lives if we embrace it fully.

To experience the fullness of God’s grace, we must first acknowledge our need for it. Recognizing that we are imperfect and inadequate without His intervention is the first step towards receiving His grace. Through prayer, worship, and studying His Word, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of grace.

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Prayer for God’s grace

Gracious Lord, thank you for allowing me to begin this new month with you. Thank you for your kindness and affection. In this month, I ask for your favor and blessings in my life. Let this new month shower me with good fortune and blessings. Please assist me in letting go of sin and doing what is right. Let through my thoughts and actions bring honor to your Holy Name.

Father, I humbly request that you bless me and whatever I do. Please help me to be focused on my work and bless my work. Cause your face to shine on me so that your grace and favor can find me. Through Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

prayer for God's grace for the new month

Pray for God’s blessings and new opportunities

A new month signifies a fresh start, an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, and begin anew. It allows us to reflect on our achievements, challenges, and lessons learned, empowering us to grow as individuals day by day. The start of a new month gives us a chance to hit the reset button, renew our motivation, and refocus our energies towards what truly matters to us.

Prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to communicate with a higher power, seeking guidance, peace, and blessings in our lives. When we pray to God, we affirm our faith and trust in a divine plan for us. By surrendering our fears, hopes, and aspirations to a higher power, we acknowledge that we cannot control everything. Prayer helps us release our burdens and allows us to find solace in the belief that there is a greater force at work, shaping our lives.

When we embark on new endeavors, whether they be personal or professional, seeking blessings and divine intervention can significantly impact our journey.

Regardless of our religious beliefs, asking for guidance and support can infuse our new beginnings with positive energy, resilience, and a sense of purpose. Praying for blessings may not guarantee instant success, but it serves as a reminder that we are not alone, and that there is a force supporting our aspirations.

While the new month brings a sense of renewal and hope, it is crucial to remember that opportunities do not fall into our laps effortlessly. We must actively seek out and create opportunities for growth and progress.

Praying to God to make new opportunities available is not solely about waiting for miracles but rather cultivating a mindset that aligns our actions with our intentions. By combining prayer with proactive efforts, we can enhance our chances of manifesting the opportunities we desire.

Prayer for blessings and opportunities

Dear God, I am grateful for the life you’ve given to me. Thank you for being merciful and loving in my life. Thank you very much for everything you do for me. In this new month, I pray for your continued blessings on my life. Please open new doors of opportunities for me. I pray that you will also restore any opportunities that I may have missed in the past.

Please open my eyes so I don’t miss any more opportunities. Let your blessings abound in my life, Oh Lord. Guide me and help me to encounter the right people in my life. Teach me to hear your voice when you speak, Amen.

prayer for blessings and opportunities for the new month

Pray for joy

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves seeking happiness and fulfillment. We tirelessly chase after material possessions, success, and personal achievements, thinking that they will bring us joy. However, true and lasting happiness comes from within, and it is intricately linked to our spiritual well-being.

While external factors may provide temporary satisfaction, the key to experiencing genuine joy lies in our connection with God. Through prayer, we can seek and receive the incomparable joy that only God can provide.

Prayer acts as a direct line of communication with God, allowing us to share our deepest desires and concerns. When we pray for the joy of God to fill our hearts and souls, we are surrendering our worries and opening ourselves to His divine love and guidance. Through prayer, we invite God to work within us, transforming our mindset and granting us an enduring sense of joy.

Prayer for joy

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the new month. I pray that you give me peace and joy this month. With everything that is going on in my life, I frequently find myself worried and depressed. So, Lord, I pray that you may bless my days with joy and gladness.

When I start to worry, please remind me that you, my God, are bigger than my troubles. Bring your joy and calmness into my life. I pray for good news and happiness in this new month. I pray for your protection from the evil one’s intentions in my life. May your will be done in my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

prayer for joy for the new month -
 prayer points for the month


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  1. Naomi Morales
    September 27, 2022 / 9:40 pm

    I am enjoying the 5 prayer points for the month thank you

  2. Janice Banyon
    November 2, 2022 / 12:10 am

    Thank you and praise God for you and your heart to provide such a beautiful and assuring way to start the new month. In going through the prayers I feel such peace. Priceless, God bless and keep you allπŸ™πŸ‘.

  3. Enid Eilizabeth Davies
    January 12, 2023 / 10:21 am

    Beautiful and so honest…The words echo my feelings…..
    when my mind gets tired, I just have to speak your words….thankyou
    I am Truly blessed. God Bless You

  4. Danielle Lent
    May 25, 2023 / 8:18 pm

    Your prayers are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.

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