Nerves are shattered, and it seems is it ever gonna stop! Storm clouds are gone, and now it’s time for the big clean up. Don’t stress, help isn’t far, this blog post will assist you in getting your home back to its former glory after a storm.

1) Check the structure:
The greatest place to start when measuring the extent of damage to your home is the structure. Make sure that everything is tightly fastened and check for any loose shingles, holes, or broken wood. Examine the walls, foundation, and roof for cracks or other damage. Be sure to take care of any structural problems before beginning any cleaning.
2) Clear Away Debris:
After assessing the structural integrity of your home, it’s time to start clearing away debris. Depending on the severity of the storm, this could include roof tiles, broken branches or uprooted trees, siding and insulation, and other objects that have been displaced.
Be sure to wear protective clothing while removing any large pieces of debris as they may contain hazardous materials. Pay attention to power lines and downed trees when handling larger items. If possible, try to get help from a professional in order to safely clear away the debris without putting yourself in danger.
3) Downpipes And Gutters:
Make sure to check the eavestrough cleaning regularly after a storm to prevent any damage or clogs. Clear out any debris that has built up in the pipes as this may cause drainage problems further down the line. Repair any loose or cracked pieces of guttering, and make sure that all joints are securely sealed. Finally, ensure that all internal drainage systems are working properly so no rainwater accumulates in your home.
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4) Check The Electrical Systems:
It’s time to look at the electrical systems next. Remove any affected appliances and look for any damage or indications of water seepage. If you discover anything, don’t try to fix it yourself; instead, call a licensed electrician who can offer suggestions on how to make your house safe once more.
5) Clean Up Indoors:
Finally, it’s time for the big clean up indoors. Start by tidying away any furniture and objects that may have been damaged during the storm. Vacuum carpets and use an appropriate cleaner to remove any dirt or mold which has accumulated in hard-to-reach places.
6) Restore Your Garden:
The garden may have taken quite a beating during the storm so now it’s time to start repairing any fences or walls that were damaged, replacing turf and planting new shrubs or trees where needed. It’s amazing how quickly new plants can bring life back into an area.
In conclusion, the worst is over and now there are a few things that need to be done to get your home back on track, check if the building is still safe, clean the inside, remove trash and downpipes, and inspect electrical systems. Last but not least, revitalizing your garden can help breathe new life into a region that may have been damaged during the hurricane.